On One Health – A Conversation with Fanny Kaufmann

On One Health – A Conversation with Fanny Kaufmann
Fanny Kaufmann is a global Medical Affairs leader in oncology at Takeda. She is passionate about solving global challenges in the areas of patient advocacy, access to medicine, public health safety, animal welfare and animal health, plus food security. On this episode, Fanny tells me about her new journey into One Health. We have a reflective conversation on the interconnection between human health, animal health and ecosystem health, in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Fanny also gives some advice for younger people who wish to start a career in life sciences.
Fanny Kaufmann’s personal website: https://www.journey-animal-welfare.org
One Health platform: https://onehealthplatform.com/ohp/about-one-health/one-health-explained
One Health commission: https://www.onehealthcommission.org/en/programs/one_health_education_initiatives__overview/
More links from our conversation available on the podcast website: https://narratives-of-purpose.podcastpage.io/episode/on-one-health-a-conversation-with-fanny-kaufmann